Saga Documentation 0.9.435-0

Conventions and Common Usage Patterns

Table of Contents


Many of the functions included in this package are async UniTask. To use these in your MonoBehaviour, make sure to prefix lifetime methods with async:

async UniTaskVoid Start() { ... } 


If targeting WebGL, all async/await functions should use UniTask. UniTask runs all tasks asynchronously on the main thread, which is required by WebGL builds.


If Unity only need to access one Saga instance as one user, a global singleton may be useful.

private static Client _saga;
private static Mutex _mut = new Mutex();

public static async UniTask<Client> Saga() {

    if (_saga == null) {
        var result = await Client.Create(...);
        if (!result.IsSuccess) throw new Exception();
        _saga = result.Data;
    return _saga;